Some of our services and facilities will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period, while others will have changed operating hours.
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We are committed to the highest level of governance, transparent decision making, sound financial management and keeping the community engaged and well informed.
The Annual Report is produced yearly by Council and outlines the previous 12 months' performance.
Here you can view our latest annual budget as well as previous years budgets and the schedule of fees and charges.
Local Government Victoria's annual community satisfaction survey collects community feedback on council's performance in eight key areas.
View documents made available in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020 and Council's Public Transparency Policy.
What is Freedom of information and how to access information from us.
See instruments of delegation for Council to CEO, Council to staff and CEO to Community Asset Committees.
Council has a large number of policies that govern what we do, Here you can find our policies.
Find out more about protected disclosures at Indigo Shire Council.
The Gender Equality Act 2020 requires Council to address its obligations to promote gender equality in the workplace and consider gender equality when developing policies and programs and delivering services to the public.