Fair Access (for women and girls to participate in sport) Policy

The Fair Access Policy seeks to address known barriers and provide fair access for all in our community sports infrastructure. The policy aims to progressively build the capacity and capabilities of Council in the identification, and elimination of systemic causes of gender inequality in policy, programs, communications, and delivery of services in relation to community sports infrastructure.

The purpose of the policy is to support Council to take positive action towards achieving gender equity in the access and usage of community sports infrastructure. This complies with the Gender Equality Act 2020 and aligns with Active Indigo Strategy, Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and Council Plan.

The draft policy was developed with guidance from the Victorian Government - Office for Women in Sport and Recreational and the local regional sports assembly - Sport North East.

The policy was adopted by Council on Wednesday 29 May 2024 following a community consultation period. 

The policy is supported by an action plan with a timeline of key objectives, actions and outcomes.