Audit and Risk Committee

Close up of the corner of a spiral note book with a mobile device sitting on top.

The Audit and Risk Committee is established under Section 53 of the Local Government Act 2020 to provide a structured, systematic oversight of Council’s governance, risk management and internal controls which includes Council's financial reporting process, systems of internal control, audit processes, and the monitoring of compliance with legislation, regulations and the Councillor’s Code of Conduct.

Audit and Risk Committee meetings are held 'in camera', which means they are closed to the public and minutes are not publicly available, however, the Chairperson submits a report to Council after every meeting which is publicly available within Council meeting agendas.

Meetings are held quarterly and the Committee consists of four independent members and two Councillors:

  • Ross Kearney - Chair
  • Abbas Khambati
  • Aaron Coutts
  • Leanne Mulcahy
  • Cr Sophie Price
  • Cr Greg Bourke
  • Cr Scott Landells (Sub)

Council's auditors are:

  •  RSD Audit - External Auditors (appointed by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office).

Related documents:

Audit and Risk Committee Charter(PDF, 312KB)

Audit-Risk-Committe-Biannual-Report-March-2024.pdf(PDF, 200KB)