Beechworth Servicemen's Memorial Hall Committee of Management

The role of this committee is to manage and coordinate the use of the Beechworth Servicemen's Memorial Hall.

For further information about the hall including online bookings, visit the website.

Function and responsibilities

This Committee's functions and responsibilities are:

  1. To manage the Beechworth Servicemen's Memorial Hall, Supper Room and Kitchen for, and on behalf of, the Council for the benefit of the Beechworth community.
  2. To ensure the premises comply with current health and safety regulations.
  3. To be responsible for interior routine maintenance of the building and its contents, and all financial obligations that may arise.
  4. To maintain appropriate accounting procedures, policies and reports to Council when it is deemed necessary. 

Committee Membership

Position Currently held by
Chairperson Anne Wilson
Secretary Iris Mannick
Treasurer John Eldrid
Committee Members Adam Lacovich, Alison Williams, Michelle Borleis, Janet Tweedie.

Meeting Dates

2024: 10 January, 13 March, 8 May, 10 July, 7 August (AGM + general meeting).

Meetings are held Second Wednesday bi-monthly at 7pm in the Supper Room.

Meeting dates and times can change without notice – please check any details with Customer Service on 1300 365 003.


Note: minutes are unconfirmed until the next committee meeting.