Chiltern Courthouse Committee of Management

The role of this committee is to manage and coordinate the use of the Chiltern Courthouse buildings.


 This Committee's functions and responsibilities are:

  1. Cleaning and general maintenance of the premises.
  2. Hiring procedures of the buildings.
  3. To establish appropriate accounting procedures.


Position  Currently held by
 Chairperson  Bill Hotson
 Secretary & Treasurer  Lois Hotson

Sharon Duke

Belinda Adams

Quentin Bell

David Skinner

Daniel Wade



2025: 8 February, 3 April, 5 June, 7 August (AGM).

Meetings are held bi-monthly - first Thursday of the month at 7pm at the Chiltern Courthouse.

Meeting dates and times can change without notice – please check any details with Customer Service on 1300 365 003.


Note: minutes are unconfirmed until the next committee meeting.