Questions for Council Meeting Open Forum

Rear view of a person seated in amongst others with their hand raised Community members are welcome to attend council meetings and get involved in Council’s decision-making process.

One way to do this is by lodging written questions that are addressed during the Open Forum section of Scheduled Council Meetings.

Open Forum is an opportunity for community members to clarify strategic, policy or any other appropriate matter that may not be listed on the Council agenda.

How does it work?

Your question must be submitted in writing, or via email and received by the earlier of: i) 5.00pm on the day of the meeting, or ii) 90 minutes prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Questions submitted after this point will be answered at the next Scheduled Meeting or in writing, however the Chair may, at their discretion, allow for late questions.

If you submit a question you, or a nominated representative (other than a Councillor or Council Officer), must be present in the public gallery of the meeting to have your question raised and dealt with.

Try to submit your questions as early as possible, some are technical in nature and will require some time for Council staff to prepare answers.


The Chair will only answer a question if it:

  • Does not relate to a matter beyond or outside the Council's power;
  • Is not defamatory, indecent, abusive or objectionable;
  • Is not repetitive of a question already asked (whether at that meeting or a previous meeting);
  • Is not asked to embarrass a Councillor or a member of Council's staff; or
  • Does not involve the disclosure of confidential information or private information the disclosure of which is prohibited by law.

No debate on questions asked or answers given is permitted.

Submitting a question

You can submit a question using the online form below or:

By email: Preferably at least two days before a scheduled Council meeting, you must submit your questions by email to with a subject line of "Question for Council Meeting on (date)".

In writing: To allow time for delivery by post, please submit your questions at least three days before a Council Meeting to the Chief Executive Officer, Question for Council Meeting, Indigo Shire Council, PO Box 28 Beechworth 3747.

At Customer Service Centres: Your written questions can be handed in at Customer Service Centres, preferably at least a day before a Council Meeting, or by the earlier of: i) 5.00pm on the day of the meeting, or ii) 90 minutes prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Click here to view form.

NOTE: Council meetings are live streamed and recorded. The voices and images of those participating in the meeting, and in the gallery, may be captured as part of this recording. Responses given by Councillors and Council staff during Open Forum are the opinion of the individual respondents, and accurate at the time of response, to the best of their knowledge.