Council to sign MOU for World Heritage Listing Bid

Published on 29 August 2023

Historic sandstone buildings in Beechworth

In a move that could catapult Indigo Shire’s unique history and heritage on to a global stage, Council is hoping to be accepted into a consortium of Victorian Councils bidding for world heritage listing.

Council will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Victorian Goldfields World Heritage listing bid stakeholders, and if supported, will be among 15 Councils seeking to be recognised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Mayor Sophie Price says the bid aims to recognise the Victorian Goldfields outstanding global heritage and if successful, will mean significant investment and job opportunities for the Shire.

Cr Price says the bid has strong Federal and State Government backing, with the Victorian Government pledging $3.8M in this year’s budget to progress world heritage projects, including the Victorian Goldfields.

Representatives from the Cities of Greater Bendigo and Ballarat recently briefed Council on the existing Central Victorian Goldfields bid and the importance of including Indigo Shire and one other Victorian Council to create the expanded Victorian Goldfields tentative bid process.

Council heard a renowned international world heritage expert recently toured Indigo Shire and was of the firm belief that its inclusion would significantly strengthen the proposed bid.

Traditional Owner groups have been informed of the invitation for Indigo Shire to participate in the bid process and the MOU now under consideration. An invitation to meet and discuss the context and background of the bid and potential opportunities arising from it has been included in initial correspondence.

Cr Price says inclusion in the bid is a significant opportunity for Indigo Shire and its communities. “We are extremely excited at the opportunity to be included and if the existing 13 Councils accept our MOU, we will work with them on an expanded masterplan which includes our Shire.”

In addition to this bid, Council has also submitted a National Heritage Listing nomination for Beechworth’s Historic Precinct which is currently under consideration by the National team. The process is rigorous and includes comprehensive research and recently completed community engagement. 





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