L2P Program helping to keep young people safe on the roads

Published on 30 July 2024

Girl in a car holding a set of P plates

Indigo Shire is tackling road safety one learner driver at a time through the TAC L2P Program, and local participants are currently being sought to join the program.

The program assists local learner drivers aged 16 to 21 with no access to a supervising driver or vehicle to gain the 120 hours driving experience required to apply for a probationary licence.

Close to 100 learner drivers from across the Shire have already gained their P's as a result of the program and Council is keen to see that number grow.

“We know that young drivers have a higher risk of being involved in a crash resulting in a fatality or serious injury so this program helps to reduce that risk,” says Acting CEO Sally Rice says.

The program is estimated to prevent almost two fatal and serious injury crash involvements and over six casualty crash involvements per year by reducing the prevalence of unlicenced driving (Deloitte Access Economics, 2018).

While improved safety is the priority outcome of the program, Ms Rice says that other key benefits for participants include access to broader employment opportunities, improved social connection and mobility.

“We’ve seen participants gain great confidence and independence over the course of the program and it really is life-changing for them.”

Participants are currently being sought to join the program, particularly from Yackandandah and Ms Rice is encouraging anyone who thinks they might need a hand to get their 120 hours driving experience to get in touch.

“I’ll never forget the feeling of getting my P’s and we’re thrilled to be able to offer a program that helps all local young people to get their license, no matter what their circumstances or what barriers might exist.”

Find out more about the program, including how to apply, by visiting the Indigo Shire Council website: www.indigoshire.vic.gov.au/L2P


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