National Trust Media Statement on Beechworth Carriage Collection

Published on 04 April 2022

One of the Beechworth historic carriages.

National Trust of Australia (Victoria) comment on Beechworth Carriage Collection

Quotes attributable to Dr Annette Shiell, Executive Manager, Collections & Cultural Projects, National Trust of Australia (Victoria)

The National Trust Australia (Victoria) is the custodian of a significant Carriage Collection and is committed to working with the wider community to conserve and interpret this important collection.

The National Trust’s ownership, commitment, and approach to the Carriage Collection was discussed at a public community meeting in Beechworth on 23 February 2022.

We are undertaking a multi-staged approach to manage the collection and secure its long-term future. Our current priority is rehousing the collection so it can be conserved and made available to the public. We are currently considering options for relocation and will continue to engage with stakeholders including Indigo Shire Council and the Beechworth Heritage and Historical Society.

The National Trust very much appreciates the community's support for this collection and is looking forward to working with the Beechworth community to bring the Carriage Collection to its potential.

The search continues. At this stage of the project, we are focussed on finding a building that suits the purpose for conserving, cleaning, researching, repairing and digitising the National Trust’s Carriage Collection.


Media Contact:

Dr Annette Shiell, Executive Manager, Collections & Cultural Projects,


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