Pool feasibility study gets underway
Published on 27 November 2020
A feasibility study to help determine the future of the Beechworth pool is about to get underway with Indigo Shire appointing consultants to work with the community on three options.
The need for a feasibility study was identified as a high priority in the Indigo Shire Swimming Pools Development Plan 2020, adopted by Council last year. The study will cost $60,000, funded equally by Council and the State Government under its Local Sports Infrastructure Fund.
In 2007 during pool commissioning, the Beechworth Pool shell cracked resulting in the pool’s closure for the 2007/2008 season. A pool liner was installed as part of rectification works in 2008 and the pool has successfully operated for all subsequent seasons. Assessments conducted in 2018 and 2019 identified that the pool liner has a life expectancy of four to five years.
The study will focus on three options for the Beechworth Pool including community engagement, concept designs and financial modelling for the following:
- Replacement of pool structures at existing site.
- New outdoor facility at existing or alternative site.
- New indoor pool facility at existing or alternative site.
Council CEO Trevor Ierino said community input into the study is vitally important and he encourages all residents to have a say.
“A range of engagement activities is planned including telephone interviews with direct stakeholders, community pop-ups, a community survey, workshops with internal staff and Councillors,” Mr Ierino said.
Consultants, @Leisure, will be at the Beechworth Pool on Sunday 6 December from 3:00pm and on Monday 7 December from 6:00am (for early morning swimming) to speak with users. They have also begun telephone interviews with key stakeholders and a community survey will be available next week via Council’s website ‘Have A Say’ page.
Mr Ierino said, "The feasibility study will assist the Council to determine a preferred option and initial project budget to enable commencement of detailed design, cost estimate preparation and tender specifications for the future."