Development Plan - 11 Slaughterhouse Road Rutherglen

No longer on display. Expired on 26 February 2024, 05:00 PM

Council has received an application for approval of a Development Plan for 11 Slaughterhouse Road, Rutherglen

The application is for a multi-lot, low density, residential subdivision.

The applicant is Spot Planning and the reference is PP23-0174

You may look at the application and any documents that support it by visiting:

  • Indigo Shire Council Office – 34 High Street Yackandandah
  • Indigo Shire Council Office – 153 High Street Rutherglen

This can be done during office hours and is free of charge.

Any person who may be affected by the approval of the Development Plan may object or make other submissions to the responsible authority (Council).

An objection must be made in writing, include the reasons for the objection and state how the objector would be affected.

Refer to the contact details on this page to lodge your objection.

Council will not decide on the application before 26 February 2024.

If you object, Council will tell you its decision.

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