Proposed Lease Lake Sambell Reserve – Caravan & Camping

No longer on display. Expired on 28 March 2025, 11:00 AM

Notice is hereby given that Indigo Shire Council at its Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday 25 February 2025 resolved to give public notice of its intention to enter into a lease for the operation of a caravan park at the Lake Sambell Reserve – Caravan & Camping, (20 Peach Drive, Beechworth) with the following terms:

  • A 21-year term with a suitably experienced Caravan Park Operator
  • The Annual Rental payable will be a commercial amount determined through a competitive process, ideally based on a percentage of the Caravan Park’s Annual Turnover.
  • The Lessee will be required to invest into developing the park in line with the adopted Masterplan for the park; and
  • Council will also be required to commit to funding its share of works required in the Masterplan.

In accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Policy, any person may make a written submission on the proposal to enter in a new lease.

Submissions are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Indigo Shire Council, PO Box 28, Beechworth, 3747 and must be received at Council’s Office by 11 am on Friday 28 March 2025.

Please note submissions may be made available to the public as part of a Council Meeting Agenda.