Reflecting on our progress so far
We’ve been working hard to achieve the objectives set out in the Council Plan 2021-2025, and we invite you to take a look at some of the key projects and activities we’ve delivered so far. As a new Council term approaches and we begin to prepare for the Council Plan 2025-2029, we want to make sure our community is informed and engaged to help us shape the new plan.
The Council Plan 2021-2025 sets out the key priorities for Council to focus on, working in conjunction with the long-term Community Vision and action plans. This plan was created with community input, with over 220 individuals and organisations having a say in shaping both the Plan and our 10-year Community Vision.
What we heard: Overwhelmingly, our communities expressed the importance of a Shire united by a desire for sustainable living, care for the environment and action to address climate change, along with progress, prosperity and community pride. They also wanted our towns and villages to be recognised for their individual character and unique sense of identity.
We organised the community’s priorities into five key themes, summarised by the following vision statements. Click on the headings to have a look at some of our highlights.