Barnawartha and Surround Community Resilience Plan

The purpose of this Community Plan is to provide a framework for achievable and place-based action that will enable the Barnawartha and surrounding communities to meet its existing and future needs.

It provides a roadmap for what needs to be preserved, protected, and improved to retain the unique rural, historic, agricultural, and natural environments that defines Barnawartha and surrounds. This plan has been developed entirely through consultation with those who live and work in Barnawartha and surrounding communities and it builds on previous community and Council planning processes.

This Community Plan provides a well-coordinated approach to make the rural locality even better and address the changes driven by and for the community. This plan tackles the core challenges that residents may face in the future by being proactive and suggesting ways to leverage the town’s unique strengths.

The plan belongs to the community. The community has identified actions which will preserve what residents love about Barnawartha and surrounds and in what ways they want to see growth and change. Some of these are easily achieved at a community or individual level, without the need for Council or additional funding. Others are more complex and will require collaboration between community and Council, and sometimes businesses. Many actions will require external funding sources to make them a reality.

The Community Plan will be used to inform the next Council Plan (2025) as well as Council's ongoing decision making. Where there is a Council-led action it will be referred to the relevant Council department to progress. Actions within the Community Plan that align with Council's Strategic position and shire-wide perspective will be pursued through Council's various ongoing programs, projects, and service delivery.

The Barnawartha and Surrounds Community Resilience Plan:

• Consolidates what the local community values into a unified vision

• Provides strategic reference for future community development

• Helps inform Council policies and projects

• Encourages a place-based approach for local decision making across Barnawartha and the surrounding communities.

• Supports and inspires residents, businesses, and Council


The Plan was endorsed by Council on Monday 16 September 2024.