Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been detected in Northern Victoria. JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. Find further information and how you can take precautions by clicking the link below.
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We're increasing our commitment to procurement that supports environmental sustainability.
In 2019, we declared a Climate Emergency and committed to a Net Zero by 2035 target for our greenhouse gas emissions. These steps have far-reaching implications for our supply chain and the choices we make in procuring goods and services have a direct impact on our environment.
For example, in 2022/23, Council’s procurement of Goods and Services accounted for 94% of our total greenhouse gas emissions. We are now committed to working with businesses who support us to meet our 2035 Net Zero target and other environmental sustainability goals
Our Procurement Policy has a mandatory 10% ‘environmental sustainability’ weighting for tenders greater than $150,000 and our staff are encouraged to apply this weighting to all procurement regardless of the procurement value.
Going forward, Council will prioritise working with businesses who can demonstrate that they are:
We've started including more about environmental sustainability in our tender documents - we're not just raising the bar for ourselves but also hopefully inspiring positive change throughout our supply chain.
Join us in this important venture towards a greener, more sustainable Indigo Shire.
Sustainable procurement is one of many climate actions we're taking at Council and in our community. Discover more about our commitment by visiting our dedicated platform for tracking and reporting on our climate actions, Our Climate Action.