Scott Landells


Portrait of man with short grey hair wearing a blue shirt

About me

I bring to this role 14 years of local government experience, in roles ranging from community development to traffic/transport and road safety.

Through both my professional and personal interests, I have had considerable experience working with the communities of Indigo Shire "from Kergunyah to Wahgunyah" which has given me solid insights into each community.

I have a strong interest in the Arts and Media. I have lived in Indigo Shire since 2005 and currently reside in Chiltern. This follows previous stints in Rutherglen, Wahgunyah and Chiltern (again).

What I would like to achieve

I'm keen for our Council to function effectively as a team. Council has a comprehensive suite of Masterplans, Strategies and Management Plans and I'll be focused on us implementing high priority projects from these plans.

I'd also like to work towards ensuring that future plans are created / updated with a healthy level of community engagement. More specifically, I'd like to see each of our towns with robust, well supported Placemaking plans, to take them toward an exciting future.


Watch our interview with Councillor Landells