Council Plan 2021-2025
The Council Plan sets out the key priorities that Council will focus on over the next four years.
The plan will be reviewed annually to help inform Council's capital works planning, service planning as well as budget and resource allocations.
In building the plan and our new 10-Year Community Vision, we invited community input and involvement. Through drop-in sessions, online feedback, submissions and surveys we received constructive and well considered feedback from more than 220 individuals and organisations which has been used to shape both documents.
Overwhelmingly, our communities expressed the importance of a Shire united by a desire for sustainable living, care for the environment, action to address climate change along with progress, prosperity and community pride. But they also want our towns and villages to be recognised for their individual character and charm and unique sense of identity.
We’ve captured this sentiment and built our vision and plan around five themes;
- Communities
- Liveability
- Prosperity
- Environment
- Accountability
Each theme has its own set of strategic objectives and strategies, that are intended to achieve our long-term Community Vision, but also be sufficiently agile to adapt to the evolving needs of our community over the next four years.
The strategic objectives identify the future state outcomes we are seeking to achieve for the community, while the strategies specify the broad areas of activity Council will take to achieve these objectives.
The action plan (including the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Action Plan) detail the specific activities we will commit to annually to achieve the objectives.
The Council Plan also includes a new Vision, Purpose and Guiding Principles that describe how we will do our job, what we stand for and what guides the way we operate and deliver our services.