Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been detected in Northern Victoria. JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. Find further information and how you can take precautions by clicking the link below.
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There are a range of programs to assist businesses become more cyber safe, but who are your going to call if something goes wrong?
It is recommended that businesses align themselves with a local IT specialist. In the case of a cyber incident, you will then have someone to call in at short notice who may understand your systems and be able to provide remedies in a timely fashion. Access our list of local professionals(DOCX, 21KB) here.
Ensure also you know how to report a cyber incident to your bank and that you have a local in-person contact at your nearest branch.
The Small Business Cyber Resilience Service can also help by working with you one-on-one to improve your cyber security and by providing case management following an incident. This service is available to all small business with 19 or less full-time employees.