Love Wintering Campaign

Love Wintering

The Love Wintering campaign launched in June 2022 across all four of Indigo Shire’s destination towns. The focus of the campaign was to highlight experiences within each town that would entice visitors to spend a weekend away within Indigo Shire.

The campaign highlighted one stand-out accommodation provider in each town, unique places to eat and drink, and the great experiences Indigo has to offer.

This campaign was designed to run in tandem with the Tourism North East’s (TNE) winter campaign, More Than Mountains

Content Plan

Our Love Wintering images and video content were developed to dig deeper into the tapestry of Indigo experiences while demonstrating the wide range of winter activities for visitors. The campaign was scheduled to appear on social media twice a week for the entire three-month winter period. In addition, each Explore website was given a winter refresh with a new header image or video and a new content piece highlighting more local businesses and experiences.

The video content was edited into three distinct clips for each town;

  • one complete 1-minute video
  • two breakdowns into 30s each.


These videos performed exceptionally well across all platforms.

Each town was also featured in three targeted social advertising campaigns. The first run of ads ran for two weeks and resulted in 47,878 views and over 1,500 visits to our Explore websites.