Community Directory

The Community Directory allows community groups to create and maintain their own directory listing on our website, and to submit events for promotion via our weekly newsletter YOUR INDIGO.

To create an account and submit your listing or event, please go to MyCity.

Terms and Conditions

About the Community Directory

MyCity is a convenient and secure service for community groups to interact with Indigo Shire Council. You need to register and create a login with MyCity to manage your Community Directory listing. Please note the community directory is not for business listings.

Terms and conditions

The information you provide when choosing to register on the Indigo Shire Council Community Directory is used solely for the purpose of publishing and managing your community group listing on our website.

By registering you agree that all information is true, that you are over 18 years of age and that you will not share your password with anyone else.

It is your responsibility to keep your community directory listing up-to-date. Council accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors and requires that community organisations regularly check their listing for errors. Community directory listings will be reviewed annually and Council has the right to remove any listings that have not been active for more than 12 months. 

Personal information that is collected by Indigo Shire Council will be used by and disclosed to employees or contractors whose duties require them to use it. Your information may be used for the dissemination of information relating to community events and grants. Such employees and contractors are required to protect and handle your personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). For more information and to view a copy of our privacy policy see how we protect your privacy. Please allow five business days for your listing to be approved and appear live on our website.



Need help?

If you need help using the Community Directory, please refer to our user guide(PDF, 194KB).

Process to create a listing on our Community Directory

What we need you to do:

  1. If you don’t already have one, we suggest creating a generic club email. For example, or .


  2. Visit to create an account and submit your own listing. 


  3. Follow the prompts to upload your organisation’s details. If you need help please refer to our user guide(PDF, 194KB). Council staff are available to help if you get stuck.

  4. Your listing will then go through an approval process with Council and once your listing is approved it will become live on the website.


It is your organisation’s responsibility to keep your Community Directory listing up-to-date. Community Directory listings will be reviewed annually and any listings that have not been active for more than 12 months will be removed.




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