Yackandandah Museum


The aim of the Yackandandah Museum is to provide a place where information, stories and objects concerning Yackandandah and district can be collected, conserved, researched, stored, displayed and shared.

The Collection held by the Yackandandah and District Historical Society is a large and comprehensive collection of the many stories of this district, held in photographs, images, objects, registers, documents, letters, textiles, digital forms and research material.

It is always a work-in-progress, receiving deposits, creating material or updating processes. Extensions to the purpose-built storage have added necessary storage space to a building originally built in 1996.  This collection is used for rotation of displays, our own publications, research and display, as well as outside requests for research, copies or access to material.  Specific requests must be made by appointment to allow for retrieval or collation of material.

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Yackandandah Museum,  21 High St,  Yackandandah 3749  View Map

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