More information and answers to your FAQ's regarding Beechworth Childcare and Kindergarten Centre following the Council resolution at the March 2025 meeting.
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Carlyle Cemetery is an important part of our local community, particularly for those in the Rutherglen and Wahgunyah areas. It serves as the final resting place for many people important in the hearts and histories of this region.
As the Trust for the cemetery, we recognise our responsibilities in preserving these connections for current and future generations.
Two of our key responsibility areas are:
Which is how the Chronicle Project was born.
In November of 2023 Council began working with the team at Chronicle to implement its digital mapping software. It was a lengthy process that involved surveying the area to generate the map, and then accurately inputting historical information into the new system. A small team worked diligently to preserve the integrity of the records and ensure the best product possible reached the community.
The result is a digital map, accessible on mobile devices, that provides clear locations for people attempting to find grave sites, easy access to the burial information of those interred at Carlyle, records of historical profiles of key figures in the cemetery, and protection of those records for time to come.
Access the digital map
While every effort has been taken to ensure the completeness and accuracy of information, this will remain an evolving project. We welcome any constructive feedback on improving user experience, or records on those buried in the cemetery. Feel free to contact us via the methods listed above, or by clicking here.
For any issues with the map, or to submit a historical profile: Email: Phone: 1300 365 003