More information and answers to your FAQ's regarding Beechworth Childcare and Kindergarten Centre following the Council resolution at the March 2025 meeting.
Click here then select “book a community immunisation appointment".
Indigo Immunisation 2025 Dates and Venues(PDF, 78KB) Please note that the next Beechworth session on 1 April will be held at the Beechworth Senior Citizen Hall
Parents are asked to bring their child’s health record book so that vaccinations given may be recorded. All vaccinations given are recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). Please also bring your Medicare card.
The following groups are entitled to receive the flu vaccine free of charge under the National Immunisation program Schedule:
Please note: Children under nine years receiving their influenza vaccination for the first time require two doses of the flu vaccine, spaced a minimum of one month apart.
Payments may be made online at the time of booking an appointment. EFTPOS facilities are also available at the Immunisation session. Please refer to the schedule of our immunisation session dates tab.
The following school based vaccinations are funded on the National Immunisation Program Schedule for Year 7 and Year 10 students and should be completed by the end of Year 8/11 respectively.
Year 7
Human papillomavirus (HPV9) vaccine
2 doses – min 6 months apart
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Boostrix) vaccine
Single dose only
Year 10
Meningococcal ACWY vaccine
Schools within Indigo Shire are visited by Wodonga Council’s mobile immunisation service.
Consent cards are sent home to parents via the school in February. Students must return a correctly completed consent card in order to be vaccinated at school. For statistical purposes in Victoria, all cards must be returned to the school even if the student is not receiving the vaccine. Parents are asked to contact Wodonga Council’s Immunisation Team on 1800 655 360 if their child has not received an information package and consent card.
Any student who missed out on receiving a vaccine via the school vaccination program is invited to phone Wodonga Council’s Immunisation Team on 1800 655 360 for further information on how to receive missed vaccinations. Age equivalent students who do not attend mainstream secondary school may contact us to receive these vaccines free of charge.