How to plan an event

Crowd of people with arms raised behind concert fencing.


We have developed a step-by-step guide below to support you in planning your event.

Each step will help you consider the requirements for your event to help ensure a seamless process.

Step one - Choose a venue

Council has a range of sites across the Shire that are suitable for public events.

These public spaces are environmentally and culturally significant and there are a number of restrictions around the activities that can be conducted there. 

The Creative Communities Team can provide guidance around permit requirements and venue constraints for various sites if required.  

If you are hosting are not for profit event and do not have public liability insurance you may be eligible to use the community liability pack, please click here for more information.

Step two - Event Notification Form 

You will be required to complete the below event notification form at least four months before your event. If you have concerns about the timelines please call the Creative Communities Team on 1300 365 003 to discuss. Please familiarise yourself with the event checklist, all these documents will be required for your event to be compliant. 

Complete Event Notification Form

Step three 

A member of the Creative Communities Team will be in touch to discuss your event plan and the required documents that will need to be submitted in order for your event to be compliant. If you need to get in touch with us, please call 1300 365 003.

These documents may include:


Traffic Management

If you would like to have a road closed, or traffic altered as part of your event, you will need to include details of the proposed traffic alteration in your event notification form.

A traffic management plan (TMP) is a plan that describes how to manage the traffic flow and safety around, near or at a (event) site. A TMP includes details on the proposed measures, such as signage, barriers, diversions, and speed limits, that are to be implemented to ensure the safety and integrity of initial roads and paths.

A Traffic Management Plan must be completed by a Victorian licenced organisation. All costs associated with this plan and road closure are to be paid for by the applicant. The Traffic Management Plan must be submitted to Council. 

Who to contact for TMP advice:

The above companies are some local suggestions only, it is up to the event organiser to do their due diligence and ensure the company is the right one for you.  

Alcohol and liquor license

To serve alcohol to event patrons you must ensure that you have an appropriate licence from the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation, or from Indigo Shire Council if applicable, and adhere to all requirements of that licence.

Local and State laws prohibit the consumption and/or sale of alcohol in public places. If your event includes the consumption of alcohol in public places, you must indicate this in your Event Notification Form and indicate any alcohol providers on your vendor list. In determining whether a permit will be granted, Indigo Shire will consider the nature, duration, location, and the effect on nearby residents. Evidence of liquor licences, issued by VCGLR, will be required before a Local Law permit for the event will be issued. Any vendor or event organiser selling alcohol must also submit a Statement of Trade using Streatrader.

The following documents must be completed:

The following items must be submitted to Council:

Parks and Gardens

Where an event utilises Indigo Shire parks and gardens, a site plan will be required to provide approval for proposed activities, including the location of temporary structures. Where structures are permitted, weights must be used in place of pegs to protect irrigation systems. Vehicles are not permitted to enter parks or gardens without approval. If your event requires vehicle movements, these should be clearly indicated on your sitemap.

Parks, gardens and streets must be returned to their previous state, with all litter removed following the event. Any damage to trees, lawns, flower beds or infrastructure due to the event, is the responsibility of event organisers. This includes any damage incurred by third parties, suppliers, contractors and event attendees. Reinstatement and repair costs will be the sought from the event organiser and may preclude an event being able to held there again.

Access to water taps and power is not permitted without prior approval. It is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure that any contractors/stallholders using power and water provide appropriate safety covers for on-ground leads and hoses.


Waste Management

A Waste Management Plan will be required to be submitted to Council. 

It is the responsibility of event organisers to arrange extra bins for your event. 

Below are some local companies that may be able to help: 

The above companies are some local suggestions only, it is up to the event organiser to do their due diligence and ensure the company is the right one for you.  


Busking activities are restricted under Indigo Shire Council’s Local Law Number One. If you are planning to allow buskers in public at your event, please note this in your Event Notification Form.

Where a busking activity is occurring outside commercial or residential properties, the consent of the owner/occupier needs to be obtained. It is your responsibility as an event organiser to ensure you have obtained the permission of the owner/occupier prior to allocating a busking space for a performer during your event.

As an event organiser you should ensure that buskers have their own public liability insurance, are listed as a performer within your event plan and marked on your site plan.

Please complete an application here to apply for a permit to busk.

Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

Information on conducting Acknowledgements to Country or a Welcome to Country can be found here

Planning Permit for Events

Occasionally a planning permit is required for events where the current land status has no provision for events to be held there.

You will require a planning permit if, as part of your event, you are doing any of the following;

  • Changing the use of a property (If it is currently a residential property and you want to hold events there) or if it is a business of a different nature and you want to hold events there.
  • Applying for a liquor license.
  • Erecting a sign that is:
  • More than 1m off the ground and within 3m of the street alignment.
  • More than 8m above ground level and more than 6m2 in display area.
  • Starting a business on the property

Events can have a significant effect on the convenience of your neighbours and the local environment because of noise, odour, traffic, dust, waste, lighting etc. Because of this, it is important to consult with Indigo Shire Council’s Planning Department as far in advance of the proposed event as possible, in order to consult with stakeholders who may be affected during the planning permit process.

A planning permit for an event may take between 3 – 12 months, as there are a number of factors that can affect the planning permit process, particularly when there are objections to the proposed application. 


It is your responsibility as an event organiser to ensure there are sufficient toilet facilities to cater for the number of patrons at your event. If your venue does not have a sufficient number of toilets, or the public toilets available are not sufficient, it is your responsibility to hire additional toilets. The expense of portable toilets is the responsibility of event organisers and must include accessible toilets. 

The required number of toilets for your event can vary depending on a number of factors including duration of events and whether alcohol will be available.

You can use this guide here from the ACT Health Website to help determine how many toilets will be required. Your local hire company should also be able to support you with requirements.  

It is essential that public bathroom facilities are maintained in a clean state during and after an event. Indigo Shire Council has a regular schedule of cleaning for our public toilets. Events may create additional demand on public toilets that require additional cleaning outside of these scheduled cleanings. As an event organiser you are responsible for coordinating this. You may allocate a resource to be responsible for cleaning the facilities, or Indigo Shire can coordinate contracted cleaning staff for extra cleanings. Additional cleaning will be at the expense of event organisers.

Stakeholder notification

Stakeholder notification may be requested for events that have the potential to affect nearby residents or businesses and is essential for major events and events altering traffic.

It is the responsibility of the Organiser to ensure stakeholder notification has occurred. Communications must include:

  •  The name, date and location of your proposed event (and site plan if available).
  •  The purpose of the event.
  •  Expected number of participants.
  •  Activities happening during the event.
  •  The effect it is likely to have on stakeholders.
  •  Contact details of the event organiser.  


Promotional signage is only permitted on Indigo Shire land for the duration of an event, and can only be displayed with prior permission from Indigo Shire Council. Any signage on Indigo Shire land must be noted on a site plan. At the conclusion of your event, it is your responsibility to ensure all signage is removed and disposed of.

Event advertising signage may only be erected on the premises/property on which the activity is to occur, or on official town entry signs. Major events may be eligible to advertise their event on town entry signs. If you would like to request advertising of your event on the town entry signs, contact the Creative Communities Team. Submission of a request does not guarantee that your event will be able to display a sign.

The production cost of any new sign will be the responsibility of the event organiser and must comply with design guidelines provided by the Creative Communities Team. 


Place of Public Entertainment Permit (POPE)

Do you need to apply for a POPE Permit for your event? You can apply via our online permit portal.

A place of public entertainment is a building or place used or intended to be used for conducting public entertainment or a public meeting - being either of the following:

• A public assembly building of more than 500m2 or

• A place of more than 500m2, which may include the erection of a prescribed temporary structure being one of the following:

• A seating stand for more than 20 persons

• A marquee of more than 100m2

• A tent of more than 100m2

• A booth of more than 100m2

• A stage or platform of more than 150m2

Public Entertainment means an entertainment or meeting to which admission may ordinarily be gained by members of the public.

Answering the following questions will help you to determine if you need Place of Public Entertainment permit (POPE) for your event:

  1. Will your event be held in a place >500m2 to which admission in charged? If yes, a place of public entertainment permit from the council may be required.
  2. Will your event have:

a. Seating stands for more than 20 persons?

b. Tent or marquees with a floor area more than 100m2

c. Stage exceeding 150m2 in floor area? If yes, a place of public entertainment permit from the council may be required.

Exemptions: The regulations exempt community-based organisations from the requirements of an occupancy permit for place of public entertainment, if:

• The public entertainment is conducted in an outdoor recreational facility (e.g. football ground, park, reserves) greater than 500m2, and

• No temporary structures erected, and

• The number of persons in the place at any one time during the event or activity is less than 5000 persons.

Other useful information

Promotional signage 


Events Trailer

We have an events trailer with a range of equipment available for hire. There is no charge for the use of the trailer however you are liable for the safe return of the trailer. The trailer must be collected from the Indigo Shire Depot at 1 Radcliff Rd, Beechworth and returned on the Monday following the event.  The events trailer is subject to availability and you should book early to ensure it is available for your requested dates.

Hire Agreement Form(PDF, 225KB)

(PDF, 261KB)Event-Trailer-content-list-Nov-2022(PDF, 696KB)