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In March of 2021 a review of the usage and function of the five Indigo Shire Senior Citizen Centres was undertaken.
The review is an action item in the Indigo Ageing Well Strategy, arising from the global decline in membership and usage of Senior Citizen Centres, as well as the cessation of funding from state and commonwealth governments for the centres.
Following extensive research and meetings with club members, Committees of Management and also the Indigo U3A, based in Beechworth and Yackandandah a report was offered with eight recommendations for Council to consider adopting.
You can read the reports below including the initial eight recommendations:
Indigo Senior Citizens Centres Review - Summary(PDF, 229KB)
Indigo Senior Citizens Centres Review - Full Report(PDF, 563KB)
The reports were finalised in June 2021 and were taken to Council briefing in October 2021 with the recommendation that wider community feedback on the eight recommendations be sought, as there was no financial scope to complete community consultation in the initial stage.
The eight recommendations were grouped into five themes to make them more digestible for consultation. You can read the report below:
Senior Citizens Clubs and Centres – Community Consultation Outcomes and Recommendations(PDF, 241KB)
This report was received by Council at its June 2022 meeting and the next steps are to work with the clubs to implement the final recommendations as proposed after the community consultation.