Future Proof 2022-2024

Youth in the Indigo Future Proof Action group at the Spring Ditch Festival in Stanley

The project ‘Future Proof: Young People, Disaster Recovery and (Re)building Communities’, brings together eight local Councils, two Aboriginal CCOs, Victoria University, two Local Learning Employment Networks and YACVic, to develop and enhance local recovery outcomes and resilience for fire-affected young people and communities in Eastern Victoria.

The project, led by Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic), received a two-year Australian Government Black Summer Bushfire Recovery grant and aims to drive youth-led disaster risk reduction outcomes for fire-affected young people and communities across Eastern Victoria. 

These projects aim to provide bushfire and flood affected young people aged 12-25, skills to improve their resilience, contribute to recovery in their communities, and pursue qualifications and jobs as part of the process.  

Young people are the experts in their own lives so we’re calling on them to help us lead recovery efforts in our communities.  

Future Proof is place-based and uses youth work principles to engage, support, train and connect young people. It ultimately involves young people in youth-led projects and community decision-making. 

Some key highlights of this two year program included the:

  • Employment and professional development of two Peer Youth Officers at Indigo Shire Council
  • Contributions, development and connection from our Youth Advisory Group which met fortnightly for the two year period
  • "Rising up with Future Proof" podcast
  • Accredited training of 550 young people across Indigo Shire including Community Services, Public Safety, Mental Health, First Aid, White Card, Food Handlers, Chainsaw use and more
  • Non accredited training including Emergency Management, Wildlife Care, Photography, Self Defense, Financial Literacy 
  • Partnership with Beechworth Secondary College and Rutherglen High School to provide in school opportunities such as Man Cave, Parallel Wilds and the Indigenous Hip Hop Project
  • Youth-led Unite Events including Unite Indigo in Yackandandah in 2023 and Unite Blak, Loud and Proud Ed in 2024 to celebrate NAIDOC week
  • Stall at community events including Spring Ditch, PRIDE fair day and Yack Folk Festival
  • DnD workshops in partnership with Wangaratta Council Youth Team
  • Library After Hours 'hang out sessions' over five months attended by over 450 young people
  • Makers & Milkshakes sessions delivered in public cafes and facilitated by local artists in Yackandandah, Tangambalanga, Rutherglen, Chiltern and Beechworth across seven weeks, attended by over 500 young people