Rutherglen Place Plan

Under the awning of shops in Rutherglen

The Rutherglen Place Plan maps out a vision to guide the growth and development of the towns evolution for the next 30 years.

Driven by a comprehensive stakeholder and community engagement process throughout 2021 - 2023 and input from industry experts, this document is intended to build on the current strengths of Rutherglen’s community fabric to guide a trajectory that responds to contemporary change. 

The main aims of the Place Plan are to:

  • Consider the strategic planning context of the township and future needs;
  • Address opportunities and challenges within Rutherglen associated with the Place Plan themes;
  • Capture the desires of the entire Rutherglen community for the future of the town;
  • Establishing short, medium and long term goals for Rutherglen;
  • Establishing priority projects for Rutherglen
  • Provide recommendations around strategies, actions, time frames, costs and funding sources;
  • To guide infrastructure development;
  • To support community advocacy; and
  • To improve funding success.

The Place Plan was adopted by Council on Tuesday 28 March 2023.

Read the Rutherglen Place Plan(PDF, 36MB)

July 2023 Update

The following was covered at the July meeting:

  • Pedestrian Focus on Main Street:  RRV correspondence has indicated a commitment to preparing concept plans for Main Street improvements which consider the recent feedback provided by the committee and businesses. 
  • Additional committee members:  The committee discussed expanding membership and recruiting for additional members to help drive action progress. 
  • Dog park: The development of an engagement plan to ask the community about the best location for a dog park was discussed. 
  • Skate Park: Council officers are currently reviewing tenders received for this project.
  • Master planning @ Barkly Park: The consultant met with the committee for an initial consultation session. There is a further meeting in late August to review the initial findings following the site assessment and committee meeting and to discuss next steps.  
  • Infographic: A wonderful document produced by the Tourism team, showing the projects underway in Rutherglen is linked here(PDF, 3MB) 
  • Advocacy documents: The committee discussed preparing collateral for State Government for funding advocacy.


May 2023 Update

The Community Working Group is meeting every three months to progress actions from the plan.

The following was covered at its meeting in late April:

  • Pedestrian Focus On Main Street:  Infographic to be developed to show how various council projects prioritise this action. Rail Trail enhancement budget also discussed.  RRV correspondence that the business survey regarding main street improvements was well received – RRV will be in contact to discuss further engagement. Land availability for parking was also discussed.
  • Improve signage, communication and wayfinding:  Grant funding required for this possibility via RDV, Council to follow up regarding eligibility for a connectively plan application.  
  • Best Location for Dog Park:  Discussion regarding off leash zone on the Rutherglen Park Committee parcel, interest in investigating a fenced dog park here also.  Further investigation of current off-leash zones in Rutherglen required.  
  • Events:  ongoing through council grant streams for minor events, larger event curation requires more planning and programming and external grant funding.
  • Rutherglen Skate Park:  Update that this is yet to go to tender, engagement with young people undertaken at a recent event and engagement with the Bowls club also happened re: designs and plans.
  • Barkly Park:  Change room redevelopment awaiting signed contract post budget, update provided re: master planning and the recent appointment of a consultant through SRV funding,  22/05 election for committee to take place.
  • Master Planning for Showgrounds:  Discussion re: Rutherglen Park Committee and need to increase Council connection with this committee.  Ongoing discussions and identification of possible LSIF SRV Planning Grants for this project. 




Positions Available on the Working Group

Council is currently seeking nominations for community members to join the Rutherglen Place Plan working group.

Council will work in partnership with the working group initially with the aim that this becomes an independent group to progress the Place Plan.

The working group will work with local stakeholders and Council to progress Place Plan actions, advocate for funding on behalf of the Rutherglen community in partnership with Council, update and provide progress reports to the community on action progress and champion the place plan priorities and vision across the Rutherglen Community.

If you would like to find out more about this working group, please contact the Community Development team. If you are interested in applying please complete the nomination form by clicking the button below.

Nominate now

The working group

The working group membership is:

  • Indigo Shire Councillor: Cr Roberta Horne
  • Community Representative: Brian Curran
  • Community Representative: Lisa Turner
  • Community Representative: Diane O'Dwyer
  • Community Representative: Hayden Weller
  • Community Representative: Jill Briggs
  • Destination Rutherglen Representative: Damien Adams
  • Indigo North Health Representative: Zoe Gephart
  • IndiGrow Representative: Vacant
  • Arts Rutherglen Representative: Irena Webster
  • Winemakers of Rutherglen Representative: Michael Chambers
  • Indigo Shire Officer - Director Community & Economic Development: Sally Rice
  • Indigo Shire Officer - Manager Community Development: Carlene Lamanna


Want to know about place planning? Visit our placemaking page.