Wahgunyah Foreshore Master Plan

The foreshore of the Murray River at Wahgunyah, on the border of NSW and Victoria, provides a superb Riverine natural setting for a variety of recreation and community oriented opportunities, for residents and visitors to the Wahgunyah-Corowa region. Set amongst significant River Red Gum woodland, the foreshore of the Murray provides great opportunity for users to immerse themselves in the local environment for relaxation and passive recreation.

Achieving a balance between sustainable land use, improved public access and experience, along with indigenous vegetation remediation and sustainable biodiversity conservation can be achieved through thoughtful planning and clear lines of communication between key authorities, land managers, land holders and the local community.

Based on this, a master plan has been developed.

The Wahgunyah Foreshore Master Plan is the outcome of collaboration between Indigo Shire Council, the Wahgunyah community and CPG Australia in the development of a guiding document for the Murray River Foreshore.