
Water with a reflection of the sky. Trees in the background

There are simple ways to be flood ready at home, on the farm and in business and now is the time to take action: 

Before a flood

Find out how to be flood ready by visiting the State Emergency Services (SES) website.

Review your Home Emergency Plan or use the Australian Red Cross Get Prepared smartphone app to complete your RediPlan to be better prepared for emergencies.

Experience shows that those who plan and prepare for emergencies can reduce the impact of the emergency, and can recover quicker afterwards.

Decide what items are most important for you to protect and make a list for your plan.

Create an emergency kit of items you might need if you lose power or need to evacuate quickly. 

Know what to do if your home is being threatened by major flooding and what it means by Bag it, Block it, Lift it and Leave. 

Bag it: Get your sandbags ready and in place to prevent water from entering your property

Block it: Block drains, toilets, and doorways

Lift it: Lift your valuables up high

Leave: Get on your way to a safe destination as soon as possible.

When flooding may happen soon

  • Make sure your family members and neighbours are aware of what is happening.
  • Be ready to evacuate. Act early. Conditions change rapidly. Roads and escape routes can be covered or blocked. Don’t forget to take pets and medicine with you.
  • Put household valuables and electrical items as high as possible.
  • Turn off water, gas and electricity at the mains.
  • Secure objects likely to float and cause damage. Raise chemicals and oils well above the forecast flood height.

During a flood

For emergency assistance, call 132 500 for VICSES.

  • Never drive, ride or walk through floodwater. It can take just 15cm of flowing water to float a small car. This is the main cause of death during floods.
  • Never allow children to play in floodwater. This is the main cause of death during floods for children and young people
  • Stay away from drains, culverts and waterways. Water can flow quickly and have strong currents.
  • Stay well clear of fallen trees, power lines and damaged buildings.
  • Remember that higher ground is safer ground: Always move people, animals and equipment to higher ground or a safer place well before the rain starts and conditions become too dangerous. 

If you require emergency assistance during a flood or storm call SES on 132 500.

If your emergency is life threatening call Triple Zero 000.   

For the latest emergency information and warnings go to VicEmergency.

After a flood

  • If your property has been flooded, check with us for information and advice
  • Have all electrical and gas equipment professionally tested before use. 
  • Road closures will be listed at vicroads.vic.gov.au