Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been detected in Northern Victoria. JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. Find further information and how you can take precautions by clicking the link below.
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We experience prolonged periods of heat from time-to-time and a common sense approach is always required including SunSmart policies, air conditioning and staying out of the heat especially for elderly or at-risk groups.
Indigo Shire has a Heatwave Plan for planning and responding to heatwaves.
The Department of Health and Human Services operates the heat health alert system which notifies local governments, program areas, hospitals and state-wide and major metropolitan health and community service providers, and the general community of forecast extreme heat and heatwave conditions which are likely to impact on human health. Check the VicEmergency website or app for more information and advice.
There will be a state-wide, co-ordinated response to the impacts and consequences of extreme heat events (including heatwaves) on the community, infrastructure, and services.
Find out more about Cool Relief Spaces
View or download Council's Heatwave Plan