Ready, Set, Recover!
The Ready, Set, Recover! workshops are an initiative to build your skills, confidence and community connection through a series of training programs. They are open to all Indigo Shire residents, although there are some age restrictions and class sizes are limited.
We are delivering workshops across Indigo Shire October 2024 - May 2025. They will be held on weekends to make them as accessible as possible and are just $30 per weekend, with free places available if cost is a barrier.
These workshops are designed to build your skills, knowledge and confidence. They also aim to connect you with other in the community, lunch will be provided each day with plenty of opportunity for you to get to know others in the group.
2025 training opportunities
May 24 - 25 - Accredited Chainsaw Training
This weekend training is held in Gooramada - Rutherglen region and is facilitated by Wodonga TAFE.
You will complete the accredited course Chainsaw Training A3FELLT1.
This training will provide you with knowledge and skills to safely operate and maintain a chainsaw for trimming and cutting fallen trees using a range of cutting techniques. You will learn to identify cross cutting requirements, prepare and maintain equipment, assess trees and plan cutting and trim and cross cut safely and efficiently. NOTE: you will not learn how to fell trees.
- You must be at least 16 years of age
- You must supply your own safety boots, long pants, and long-sleeved shirt.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be supplied for use as part of the course - visor, ear protection, and high viz vest. Chainsaws of various sizes will be available for participants to use during the course. While equipment is supplied, you are encouraged to bring your chainsaw and PPE to become familiar with your gear.
HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid
This course contains HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
This training is provided for FREE, in collaboration with Quercus Neighbourhood House, Yackandandah Community Centre and Chiltern Neighbourhood House. Bookings are taken directly through their website, or by booking in person at the centres.
More information on dates and times will be posted here, as it is confirmed.
The course covers assessing the casualty, providing safety, accessing emergency services, and using resources to provide first aid, such as providing CPR and using a defibrillator, administering an autoinjector for anaphylaxis, administering asthma medication, assisting someone choking, using appropriate immobilisation techniques for envenomation, fractures, dislocations, sprains and strains, managing casualties with non-life-threatening bleeding and shock.
You will learn basic anatomy, physiology and the differences between adults, children and infants relating to CPR, the importance of the chain of survival, written and verbal reporting of incident details, reviewing incidents to improve own skills and response times, to recognise psychological impacts, and seeking help as required.
Why are we delivering these workshops?
We have received funding from Emergency Recovery Victoria and the Australian Government Black Summer Bushfire Recovery grant which funds our Future Proof program delivered in partnership with the Youth Affairs Council Victoria(YACVic). This funding aims to increase the resilience of our communities to the impacts of emergency events.
The preparedness of communities and individuals is becoming increasingly important as extreme weather events become more frequent and severe. Emergency services are being called upon more regularly to respond to emergencies both here, in other states and overseas. Communities who are skilled in responding to emergencies and supporting each other provide the best option for a coordinated, timely recovery.
October - Wildlife Essentials and BlazeAid Fence Building
This training was held in Beechworth.
Saturday - experienced wildlife rescuer Sue Hiatt from Beechworth Reptile Rescue - Wildlife Victoria/DEECA approved wildlife shelter, upskilled on how to better respond to the wildlife in your life. Topics covered included, native birds, injured reptiles, bats, responding to injured animals on the road, staying safe around kangaroos and snakes.
Sunday - Peter and Bob from BlazeAid taught all the fencing essentials, with an afternoon of putting learning into practice by repairing the Baarmutha Recreation Reserve fence. Skills and confidence was developed to use a variety of tools to repair rural fencing.
November - Accredited Chainsaw Training
This weekend training was held in Gooramada - Rutherglen region, facilitated by Wodonga TAFE.
Accredited course Chainsaw Training A3FELLT1.
This training will provided the knowledge and skills to safely operate and maintain a chainsaw for trimming and cutting fallen trees using a range of cutting techniques. The course included: Identifying cross cutting requirements, prepare and maintaining equipment, assessing trees and planning cutting and trim and cross cut safely and efficiently.
December - Accredited Food Handlers Certificate and Fire Extinguisher Use
This training was held in Yackandandah.
Saturday - Nationally accredited Food Handling Skill Set SITXFSA005, which is a requirement for anyone working with food in a hospitality business, and useful for all members of the community - especially volunteers.
The course covered the basics of personal hygiene, safe food storage and handling, cross-contamination hazards, and effective cleaning and sanitisation.
To complement the Food Handing Skill Set, on Sunday participants completed the First Attack Firefighting - Using Fire Extinguishers with the Yackandandah CFA.
This course was designed to teach participants about what type of fire extinguisher should be used for each type of fire. Participants learned how to correctly use the range of fire extinguishers that are found in community facilities.