The First 72 Hours

A blue circle with the words The First 72 what are you going to do inside

The First 72 Hours workshop is an initiative designed to educate the community about emergency preparedness and the role of individuals, communities and Council in emergencies.

The workshop is tailored to address the risks specific to the region, as well as working with participants to address their individual situation.  

During 2024, we delivered workshops right across the Shire to over 200 residents. We are now scheduling tailored workshops on request by contacting the Community Resilience and Recovery Officer

Why are we delivering this workshop?

We received grant funding from Emergency Recovery Victoria to increase the resilience of our communities to the impacts of emergency events.

Through community conversations a need was identified in the community for education about why it’s important to make a plan. There are many resources that explain how, but many community members did not know why, and therefore had not taken action.  

There is growing pressure on the emergency sector’s resources. Agencies are tested by concurrent and compounding emergencies. Damaged infrastructure may interrupt critical service delivery at the same time as help is needed in more places. The preparedness of communities and individuals is becoming increasingly important.

It is critically important that every household has an Emergency Plan. You can find more information about making a plan here

Why 72 hours?

Emergencies can be unexpected and unpredictable, which means it can take emergency services up to 72 hours to support individuals and communities with relief and recovery needs.

Within the first 72 hours it is essential that individuals and communities have capacity to meet their own needs as agencies may not be able to provide the most basic necessities such as food, water and shelter. 

The 72-hour rule began as a federal government directive in Canada during World War I, addressing the significant shortage of people to manage emergencies. Due to competing priorities related to national defense, there was a need for self-sufficiency. Individuals were expected to maintain their own livelihood and quality of life for a duration of 72 hours.  

Today, concerns are rising regarding climate change's impact on the frequency and severity of emergencies, along with a shortage of emergency services personnel. As a result, communities may need to prepare for longer periods of self-sufficiency.

The First 72 Hours workshop acknowledges that emergency planning cannot be approached with a generic, one-size-fits-all strategy, as every region and community possesses its own unique strengths and risks.

About the workshop

Through the workshop you will:

  • Learn about your responsibilities as an individual and how you can best prepare for emergencies
  • Explore how, together as a community, you can build knowledge and reduce vulnerabilities
  • Connect with other organisations and opportunities to build your knowledge and capacity

The workshops are designed for:

  • Primarily adults, although some workshops will be delivered in schools and interactive activities can be tailored for children by request
  • Those in the community who may need additional support or information to make a plan (for example: older adults, new parents, new residents, carers)
  • Long term residents who would like to gain a better understanding of the emergency management context today and what changes have taken place
  • Those who need to update their emergency plan, or have never created one.
Book a workshop for your group

After an emergency, connection to others is crucial, and we know that many people will want to connect through their existing networks. Planning together is a great way to build this connection and knowledge prior to an emergency situation. Community groups, organisations and businesses are well placed to support education and resilience building of your network.

We're inviting existing community groups, such as sporting or seniors clubs, to book a free group workshop. A standard workshop runs for two hours and can accommodate 5 to 30 people, however we can tailor length and delivery style to suit your group.

We’re offering these workshops through community groups so that we can:

  • Engage with a diverse range of community members
  • Tailor workshops to the interests of individuals
  • Encourage people to work together as a group/club to build community resilience 

To organise a tailored workshop for your community group, workplace or school contact our Community Resilience and Recovery Officer