Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been detected in Northern Victoria. JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. Find further information and how you can take precautions by clicking the link below.
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If you manage sewage at your property by using an onsite wastewater management system (OWMS) such as a septic tank, composting toilet or secondary treatment system, it is important you're aware of your legal obligations.
The Environment Protection Act 2017 includes a duty focused on prevention, called general environmental duty (GED) that requires the person in management or control of a septic tank system to take all reasonable practicable steps to make sure the system does not pose a risk to human health or the environment.
Under the GED, an owner of a septic system must notify Council as soon as possible after you become aware that your septic system is failing and potentially posing a risk to human health or the environment.
Our Environmental Health Unit can assist in advising how best to rectify any problems you are experiencing.
However, to avoid septic failures, the below principles and Do’s and Don’ts will help:
Make sure your system can be easily accessed at all times
Build anything over your septic tank, absorption trenches or irrigation field
Desludge the system every 3 – 5 years. How often depends on how much the system is used
Put food waste or grease down kitchen sinks, nor hygiene products down the toilet
Only use septic-safe soaps and detergents: biodegradable and low in phosphate & sodium
Use powerful chemicals like bleaches, whiteners, spot removers, disinfectants etc.
Reduce the amount of waste water you use /Install water saving fixtures/only launder full washing loads
Run your dishwasher and washing machine at the same time
Only grow grass or very shallow-rooted plants over or near wastewater disposal trenches or fields
Grow trees near trenches or your irrigation field that will cast shade over it, or allow tree roots to invade pipework.
Regular mowing of grass over trenches and irrigation fields will help take up the moisture
Drive vehicles over any part of the system, nor allow heavy-footed animals to graze.
Use a licensed plumber to check if your system needs cleaning or unblocking
Allow stormwater to inundate the disposal field. Put in a diversion drain to avoid this
For treatment plants follow all manufacturer’s instructions and manuals
Allow an unqualified person to service your treatment plant (use only a qualified service agent for the system).
Please use the Septic Tank Application Form for septic tank installations, alterations, permit renewals, amendments and transfers