European Wasps and Mosquitos

European Wasp

European wasps (Vespula germanica) are an introduced pest species, and have negative impacts on local business, residential properties, agriculture, tourism and biodiversity. European wasps are a regular nuisance in summer and autumn, hovering around food sources and regularly stinging people.

Left unchecked, European wasp nests can become enormous and pose a serious risk to public safety.

European wasps were first introduced to Australia in 1959 and have become a pest issue that is incredibly complex to manage. Controlling European wasps needs a combined approach, with everyone playing their part each season according to the European wasp lifecycle. Landholders are responsible for controlling European wasps on their land. Council controls European wasps on Council land, and you should control European wasps on your land.

Residents across the Shire are encouraged to become ‘wasp busters’ by contributing to the efforts of other community members, Council, professional pest controllers and other stakeholders each season in coordinated and targeted efforts to control European wasps.

For more information about controlling European wasps, download our European Wasp Management Guide.(PDF, 406KB)

We're keen to encourage greater recording of European wasp nest sites in the shire, to help improve community understanding and management of European wasps.  The community is encouraged to register nest findings on eWasp, which is a free citizen science platform. You can submit a report via the eWasp website or via the eWasp App (download free from the App store).

What do I do if I find a European wasp nest on my property?

We do not recommend members of the public treating European wasp nests themselves. Many DIY methods fail, resulting in stinging incidences. Rather, we suggest that you contact a professional pest control company to safely eradicate the nest.

You can help by ensuring the nest is registered on eWasp.


What do I do if I find a European wasp nest at a park, reserve or on public land?

Land across the Shire is owned by different organisations e.g. DEECA, Parks Victoria, Council.

Contact the relevant landholder to let them know you have sighted a nest on their land. If you are unsure who owns the land, contact Council for clarification. If it is Council land, we will eradicate the nest.

Make sure you also register the nest on eWasp.


I have a business being impacted by European wasp activity. What is Council’s role in managing this problem?

Council controls European wasp activity on Council land.

As a business owner, you are responsible for managing wasp activity around your premises.

Refer to our European Wasp Management Guide(PDF, 406KB) for ways you can do this according to the European wasp life cycle.


How can I reduce European wasp activity around my home?

  • Place several traps around your property during spring, summer and autumn, in order to trap queen and worker European wasps. Refer to our European Wasp Management Guide(PDF, 406KB) for tips and tricks.
  • Ensure your outdoor rubbish bins have tight-fitting lids.
  • Do not leave any fallen fruit or food scraps lying around your property.
  • Avoid feeding pets outside, and never leave uneaten pet food (including dog bones) lying around.
  • Cover compost bins.
  • Cover food when eating outdoors and be cautious drinking from open topped containers such as cans or bottles.
  • Inspect your property on a weekly basis for possible nests. If you locate a nest, have it removed by a professional pest control company, and register it on eWasp.


Summer, especially a wet summer, can mean more mosquito biting and breeding, including the ones that can carry diseases that make you sick.

Learn how to beat the bite and protect yourself and your family from mosquito-borne disease by heading to the Better Health website.