Revenue & Rating Strategy 2024

Six cows standing in a green field with yellow flowers looking towards the photographer.

Indigo Shire adopted an updated Revenue and Rating Strategy in July 2024, replacing the existing 2016 strategy.

The updated strategy was developed through extensive community consultation.

Read the Revenue and Rating Strategy 2024(PDF, 268KB).

Why do we need a strategy?

Council provides a range of services and facilities to our local community, and in doing so, must collect revenue to cover the cost of providing these services and facilities. Council’s revenue sources include:

  • Rates and Charges
  • Waste and environmental charges
  • Grants from other levels of Government
  • Statutory Fees and Fines
  • User Fees
  • Cash and non-cash contributions from other parties (i.e. developers, community groups)
  • Interest from investments
  • Sale of assets

Property rates are Council’s single biggest income source, representing approximately half of its income. This strategy explains how the rates are to be raised and apportioned between individual ratepayers.

What’s changed in the updated strategy?

  • Primary producers on land between 8 ha and 50 ha can now apply for the Rural 1 differential (75%) compared to the current Rural 2 (90%). This is a significant improvement that will even-up the playing field for smaller farmers.
  • Farming properties over 50 ha automatically receive the Rural 1 (75%) differential
  • Implementation of new valuation tools to better differentiate residential properties from primary production. This improves the equitable distribution of the rates across different property types
  • Support for property owners that have dedicated their property to the environment with a Trust for Nature covenant. Properties that are larger than 8 ha and used exclusively for Trust for Nature can apply for the Rural 1 Differential (75%). In doing this, Council is demonstrating that environment, native flora and fauna, and biodiversity are a valued and important part of our landscape.


We expect questions from property owners, specifically farmers about how the changes will impact them. 

I'm a farmer, how can I apply for the lower rate?

If you own a property that is larger than 8 ha and you are a primary producer, then you will soon be able to apply for a primary production rate that will start in the 2025/26 financial year.

At this stage (31/07/24) we have not developed the process or application form for you to make this application, but if you want to be put on the list please email us or call us and we will send you details when we are ready for applications.


I have a Trust for Nature covenant on my property. How do I apply for the lower rate?

If you own a property that is larger than 8 ha AND you have a Trust for Nature covenant over your whole property AND you don't use the property for other purposes (residential/business/etc) then you will soon be able to apply for a rural rate that will start in the 2025/26 financial year.

At this stage (31/07/24) we have not developed the process or application form for you to make this application, but if you want to be put on the list please email us or call us and we will send you details when we are ready for applications.



My property is between 40 and 50 hectares and I believe that my rates are going up?

Council made a change to the final strategy to exempt the majority of properties from this change. Therefore, not many of the 40 ha to 50 ha properties are likely to change. But some will.

Council will be sending letters to all affected property owners to advise them of what the next stages are. This letter will clearly tell you if your rates are staying the same or whether you may be impacted. The letter will also explain how to apply for the primary producer exemption.

Nothing changes until the next financial year so there is plenty of time to go through this process.