What is a Bushfire Prone Area and a Bushfire Attack Level? Find out what a Bushfire Prone Area is as well as a Bushfire Attack Level, here.
What is a soil test and where can I get a copy of my title? Find out what a soil test is and where you can get a copy of your title, here.
I have a problem with my builder, who do I talk to? If you have a problem with your builder, find out how to resolve it here.
Can I keep a temporary accommodation building on site permanently? Find out if you can keep a building used temporarily for accommodation, on site permanently here.
What do I need to do if my building permit lapses? Find information here on the circumstances that can lead to a building permit lapsing and what to do if these arise.
Can I put a Tiny House on my property? Find information on the permits required for Tiny Houses, as well as portable houses, glamping tents and yurts.