Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been detected in Northern Victoria. JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. Find further information and how you can take precautions by clicking the link below.
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We upgraded two sections of Alma Road to a sealed standard including Kibell Lane intersection and Green Wattle Lane intersection. Works included the construction of two retaining walls, large drainage culvert extensions, underground drainage improvements and the installation of guardrail. The first section of road sealing extension was the gravel road located between the sealed sections in the vicinity of Kibell Lane. The second section was located adjacent to the Beechworth Mountain bike path and extends to beyond the Green wattle Lane intersection.
The project also included the construction of a bitumen sealed cycle path connecting the new Beechworth to Yackandandah Rail Trail to the Beechworth Mountain Bike Park.
This project was fully funded by the State Government Local Roads Grants Program and aimed to improve traffic safety through road infrastructure improvements and cyclist and pedestrian safety through separation from the roadway.
A contract has been awarded for the construction of the road upgrade works and the new cycle path. Works are planned to commence early November however due to current weather patterns there may be a delay in the commencement of works.
The construction period is planned to commence early November and be completed by the end of February, weather permitting.