More information and answers to your FAQ's regarding Beechworth Childcare and Kindergarten Centre following the Council resolution at the March 2025 meeting.
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Indigo Shire is known for its beautiful natural environment, in particular its wonderful array of trees, a number of which have heritage significance.
Council planted approximately 225 new trees this year, including a few dozen rare pines in Queen Victoria Park, a row of nine Dawn Redwoods in the Chinese Gardens, a row of Maples along Alliance Street by Chiltern Caravan Park, six Cleveland Select Pears in Stanley Street Barnawartha, and three Jacarandas in Jacaranda Avenue Rutherglen.
To ensure our beautiful natural landscapes continue to provide health and ecological benefits for generations to come, Council undertakes an annual tree planting and replacement program with the works being carried out in the winter months to ensure the new trees get their best start to life as possible once planted.
As well as enhancing air quality, trees improve the soil, water and the ecological condition of an area. The establishment of plant species improves ecosystems and creates habitats for birds, insects and animals.
The tree planting and replacement program is well advanced with works expected to be completed around mid to late August.
There is no major impact to the community.