More information and answers to your FAQ's regarding Beechworth Childcare and Kindergarten Centre following the Council resolution at the March 2025 meeting.
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As part of our broader air conditioning renewals project, Airmaster Air Conditioning were awarded this project to replace the old warm air furnace at the Beechworth Memorial Hall.
In order to make the project possible a detailed investigation occurred into the available power supply and the three user groups within the building: Indigo Shire Council Library, the Main Hall Committee and the Beechworth R.S.L.
To make the changeover possible, an increased power supply will need to be created and this is included in the scope of the project.
We are reducing our use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (a Fossil Fuel) which aligns with our Local Government Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) converting Council’s electricity to 100% renewable energy from 1 July 2021. There will be a reduction in running costs of the main hall and this will create a further opportunity to input solar gains and further reduce Indigo Shire’s Carbon footprint.
NB: In mid 2021 ISC switched to power supplier RED Energy to reduce our Carbon Footprint and greenhouse gas emissions.
Three existing electrical meters were abolished and were replaced by one current transformer meter that can cater for larger input when required.
100 Ford Street, Beechworth 3747 View Map
100 Ford Street , Beechworth 3747