Bells Flat Road Repairs (completed 2023)

Bells Flat Road.png

Following an intense storm on Tuesday 25 October 2022, water flowed over Bells Flat Road causing significant erosion and exposing North East Water (NEW) underground infrastructure.

The road was re-opened on Thursday 27 July 2023.

Thursday 27 July Update

We're pleased to announce the road has re-opened.

Please be aware of loose stones as the new seal settles. 

We'd like to thank everyone for their patience while these repairs were completed.

Newly repaired and sealed section of Bells Flat Road


Please be aware of loose stones as the seal settles and we'd like to thank everyone for their patience while these repairs were completed.


Friday 16 June Update

Works to repair this section of Bells Flat Road began yesterday.

Every effort will be taken to minimise any delays throughout the construction and access to nearby properties will be maintained.

Weather permitting, the construction period is scheduled to take eight weeks.


Friday 26 May Update

The contract for these repairs works has been awarded.

Works are scheduled to commence within two weeks and residents will be notified of the exact start date in the coming days.


Friday 3 March Update

We're pleased to advise that the design required to repair this section of Bells Flat Road is being finalised and the works will be listed for tender next week.

Once the tender has been awarded and a start date confirmed, the construction period is then expected to take eight weeks.


Friday 16 December Update

We've received the geotechnical assessment report and are now working on the design for the reinstatement of the affected section of road. We'll have more details as this process progresses. 


Friday 9 December Update

The Geotechnical assessment has been completed and we’re now waiting on the design for the reinstatement of the affected section of road. The geotechnical assessment has indicated that the repair solution is likely to be more complex than first thought, so we’ll be able to advise of a more detailed action plan once we receive the designs.


Friday 2 December Update

The geotechnical assessment was completed this week and this informs a critical part of the reinstatement design so we expect to receive the report next week.

We’ve also undertaken a stormwater analysis so that any replacement infrastructure has adequate capacity for future weather events.

From here, we’ll be able to complete the reinstatement design and seek to engage a contractor for the repair works.

We understand this road is a priority for local residents and we’re doing everything we can to target the commencement of works as soon as possible.


Friday 25 November Update

Further geotechnical investigations continue, with drilling to commence next week. Following this, the next step is to commence the RFQ (request for quote) process for the repair works.


Friday 18 November Update

Our geotechnical engineering consultant is currently working on design options for remediation and we're hopeful to advertise the tender to undertake these works in the next few weeks.