Bells Flat Road Bridge replacement (completed 2020)

  • Project typeBridge replacement
  • Project value$280,000 ($140K Australian Government Bridge Renewal Program – Round 4)
  • Project scheduleComplete
  • Completion Date30 June 2020
Bell Flat bridge complete03_web.jpg

About this project

The existing bridge had a number of timber structural elements reaching the end of their useful life and a narrow creek span restricting flows and causing damage to abutments.

The new bridge design provides an increased span across the creek with a fully updated steel and reinforced concrete structure, guard fence and approach slabs. The bridge will remain as a single traffic lane structure with improvements to the road approaches and signage.

Why was this project undertaken?

Councils ongoing bridge inspections program identifies and prioritises assets requiring maintenance or renewal. Recent deterioration of the timber elements, and the successful receipt of Federal Government Funding, prioritised the replacement works.

What happened and when?

Council awarded a contract for the replacement works to local bridge builder Nelmac Pty Ltd. Works commenced on Monday 30 March 2020 and were completed on 12 June, 2020.

What has this project delivered for our community?

The new steel and concrete bridge structure removes the load limit that had been applied to the old bridge and provides a more open flow path for the creek.

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