Community Consultation

Between December 2019 and early February 2020, we invited community feedback on this project via our website Have Your Say.

We had an excellent response to the survey with 178 respondents. 

We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the survey and provide us with valuable feedback.

Why did we consult?

We wanted to hear from regular users of the road about what was important to them.  We will now use the feedback to help inform the design process.

What did we find out?

Of the 178 respondents, 64.61% said they were a resident of Yackandandah, 25.28% live in Bells Flat Road/Tarrant Lane and 12.92% listed a range of other connections with the survey area.

The main reason for using the road was to access property, visit the State Forest and Nine Mile Creek Historic Reserve, visit family and friends or partake in a range of activities such as running, walking, cycling and horse riding.

Most respondents said they use the road weekly (38.20%), multiple times a day (29.21%)or once a day (13.48%) with the remaining answers being only on weekends (7.30%) and occasionally (11.80%).

The overwhelming mode of transport being used on the road is car/ute (82.02%) followed by pushbikes (38.76%) and walking (32.58%). A number of respondents (10.67%) also identified that they were riding horses on this section of road.

When asked to identify the major issues on the stretch of road being surveyed, the majority of respondents said dust (76.27%), speed (65.54%), road surface condition (57.06%), road width (48.59%) and competing uses (44.63%).

Respondents were also invited to provide general feedback, with 85 responses provided covering a range of issues including speed limits, additional signage, safety, line of sight, vegetation and more.

You can download the results here(PDF, 260KB).