Project updates

Council is continuing to progress the significant planning and consultation necessary to meet the summer construction period. 

Progress report (August 2020)

  • Detailed survey works were completed documenting the current road and drainage topography along with the adjoining vegetation.
  • The community survey was completed and reviewed to help inform priorities.
  • Preliminary site review with native vegetation officers from the states environment department (DELWP).
  • Our intention to submit a speed limit reduction proposal has been raised with Vicroads at a regional level. A formal proposal based on the final design geometry will be submitted at the appropriate time. 
  • On site discussions with a small number of individual Bells Flat Road residents within the project area have taken place on issues relating specifically to them.
  • A number of road cross sections and alignments have been reviewed whilst trying to develop a working design. 

What is the Design Looking Like?

The community survey respondents identified dust, speed, width, competing uses and surface condition as the major issues associated with this section of road.

A sealed surface will address issues around dust and surface condition, however, without improvements to the overall width and geometry of the road, there would be limited improvements in safety for all road users.

The current working design includes a 6M wide sealed road surface with a 1.5-2M wide shared use shoulder on the left hand side, heading away from town. A substantial portion of the existing road corridor width is insufficient to accommodate the increased design formation proposed and several treatments are being considered to achieve this, including;

  • Extension of drainage culverts and installation of short sections of underground drainage.
  • Removal of trees and other vegetation,
  • Widening the road by cutting into embankments,
  • Filling where the road drops away at the edges,
  • Installing short lengths of kerb and channel against embankments to replace open drains.

Council does not propose the removal of vegetation lightly and is bound by tight legislative controls and a moral responsibility to avoid and minimise losses, especially in relation to natives. The working design will undergo further assessment and refinement before it is widely distributed. 

What will happen now?

  • Design consultants are drafting the latest working alignment for internal review. 
  • An independent ecological consultant to be engaged to assess the vegetation impact of the working design and inform refinements.  
  • Engage with residents who live within the design area.