Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been detected in Northern Victoria. JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. Find further information and how you can take precautions by clicking the link below.
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The Yackandandah Football Netball Club required improved lighting facilities to a standard that allowed for increased club competition and match practice to ensure the sustainability of country football at the Butson Park site.
The upgraded lighting aims to increase general participation, including attracting future female players and juniors, by providing more flexible training times. The project was supported by Council’s 2018-2026 Active Indigo Plan to provide fit for purpose sport and recreation facilities to meet the needs of the community, and strengthen the capacity of existing clubs to increase participation in active sport and recreation activities.
We received State Government funding to upgrade this wonderful facility to accommodate the future needs of our community sporting clubs.
All works have been completed at Butson Park for the lighting upgrade on the football ground.
The upgraded power supply was connected on 16 December 2022 and the new switchboard commissioned so that the new lighting is now fully operational and ready for pre-season training.
A large crane was on site at Butson Park this week to carefully extract the old light poles.
Power to the site has been upgraded and awaits final connection by Ausnet Services to complete the project.
We were thrilled to see the new lights shining brightly for football training last week.
The old poles and lights will now be removed and final connections made to the new switchboard once the power supply to the ground is upgraded by Ausnet Services.
In an exciting milestone for this project, the new 30m galvanised steel light poles have been installed with the LED lights atop. Installation of the new switchboard and electrical connections will now follow and players don't need to worry about training in the dark, the old poles and lights will continue to provide lighting until the new lights are commissioned.
We took another step forward this week with the concrete foundations for the light poles now poured.
Installation of the lights and light poles is scheduled for August along with completion of the electrical works.
The upgrade is one step closer to completion with most of the trenching and conduit installation for the electrical cabling now complete. Excavation is now underway to prepare the foundations for the four new 30m high galvanised steel light poles, with the concrete pour expected to be completed in early July.
Works have commenced on site to install all of the new electrical and communications cabling required for the lighting upgrade. The designs for the poles and lighting have also been approved.
The works are not expected to restrict public access to facilities at Butson Park, except for small areas where temporary fencing is erected for public safety. The existing lighting will be retained for as long as possible so that any downtime in lighting availability is minimised.
Butson Park, Yackandandah 3749 View Map
Butson Park , Yackandandah 3749