More information and answers to your FAQ's regarding Beechworth Childcare and Kindergarten Centre following the Council resolution at the March 2025 meeting.
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A new community gathering space that consolidated various community services and created an inclusive, welcoming space for all residents was identified as a top priority when the Chiltern Placemaking & Structure Plan was adopted in 2016.
The Chiltern Community Hub is community facility that houses a range of services including childcare, kindergarten, maternal and child health services, a library and community meeting rooms. Additionally, the Placemaking Plan identified the activation of the Civic Precinct, including the old Courthouse Building and former Municipal Building as a key priority.
*Please note the images on this page are an artist's impression and not necessarily representative of what the final design will be.
The project was funded by the Victorian State Government, through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. The project went through an extensive consultation period with the community - firstly to understand the needs of the community in relation to the building and secondly to further refine the concepts and develop a final concept.
The landscaping and carpark are now both complete ahead of the planned opening on Monday 31 July.
The exterior is really starting to take shape now, with the asphalt surface of the carpark now applied. Weather permitting, the carpark will be finished next week once the line marking is completed. The landscaping works are still underway and expected to be finished next week.
The brand new facility is now just weeks away from opening, with our library team beginning the process of moving in this week. The footpath and kerb works are complete and the landscaping and carpark works well underway. Weather permitting, the ashphalt for the carpark will be applied next week, with the landscaping to be completed in the next fortnight in preparation for the Monday 31 July opening. Once open, our customer service centre and library and Maternal Child Health service as well as theNERPSA Childcare and Kindergarten services will all conveniently be available in the one location.
Works are now moving to the exterior and we're really starting to see what we can expect from the completed project.
In recent weeks landscaping has commenced with installation of top soil laid to provide the base for new plantings. The existing mature Melaluka tree will provide instant shade to the forecourt area.
Carpark concreting has been completed, with the installation of pavement and asphalt commencing in coming weeks as weather allows. The works for both the landscaping and the carpark will continue to progress in the next few weeks (weather permitting).
Works on the car park area continue to progress with the site now prepared and drainage installed.
Pavement construction is also underway prior to the pouring of concrete and kerb and channel.
Works will commence the week beginning Monday 15 May to install the sealed carpark adjacent to the new building.
The carpark will include parking for up to 20 vehicles. Access to the two properties at the end of Howes Street will be maintained.
The building works have reached practical completion and a Certificate of Occupancy for the building has been issued this week. The installation of communications, furniture and shelving as well as the transfer of library books can now begin.
The security fencing will remain in place until landscaping around the building is undertaken under a separate contract. A contract for construction of the car park adjacent to the Hub was awarded this week and these works are expected to begin early in May.
The building is really starting to take shape with a number of important construction milestones now complete. The external brickwork, glazing and external metal cladding has all been installed and the internal plastering is also complete. Site preparation for the external works is currently underway and excitingly, construction is expected to be finished early in the new year.
Construction of this community facility is really beginning to take shape now with the external cladding and brickwork now being installed. This is expected to be completed in the next few weeks, weather permitting, with the internal wall fitting then to follow.
The Chiltern Community Hub is really starting to take shape, with the roofing on the library and kindergarten now installed.
The internal walls have also been framed up, with the brickwork and services to start next week.
Construction continues to progress well, with the structural steel now fully installed.
Roofing and wall framing also began the week of 12 September.
The facility is really starting to shape now, with the concrete slab completed last week and the structural steel frame to be fully installed by mid next week. The next step will be the wall framing, with construction to begin early next month.
Following the recent removal of a redundant underground tank at the site, construction of the Chiltern Community Hub is progressing well. Screwpile footings and sub services have been installed with concrete form work and reinforcement currently underway in preparation to start pouring concrete next week.
Approximately 160 tonne of building materials has been salvaged for reuse and recycling following the demolition of the former SES Shed and Lions storage shed to prepare the site for construction of the new facility.
Approximately 100 tonne of masonry, including bricks and concrete, was taken for recycling in Benalla, where the materials will be crushed and on-sold as recycled products. Additionally, approximately 20 tonne of scrap metal was taken to be manually sorted, categorised and recycled as well as an estimated 40 tonne of timber, plaster and rubbish. Diverting building waste from landfill is a key way Council is honouring its commitment to Halve Waste, as well as reducing its greenhouse gas emissions towards net zero by 2035. We are proud to be working with the contractors on this project, Midson Construction and Digga Group, who are as committed to these goals as we are.
Work adjacent to the Community Hub site off Crawford Street will occur between November 2021 and April 2022 with the construction of the new SES facility. After the relocation of the SES into their new facility in April, early works on the Community Hub will commence along with the demolition of the existing SES shed. The construction contractor is scheduled to commence works in April 2022 and be completed in December 2022.
During the construction phase of this project, the Community Hub site adjoining the existing childcare will not be accessible to the public for parking. The childcare will remain open as per normal hours of operation. It is anticipated at times there will be limited access and potential delays when accessing Crawford Street, Main Street and Howes Street in this vicinity.
Council project officers will work closely with the construction contractor to minimise any impact the construction activity may have. As the project progresses council will contact directly impacted residents and stakeholders and provide public updates.
3 Crawford Street, Chiltern 3683 View Map
3 Crawford Street , Chiltern 3683