Lake Sambell Boardwalk (completed 2020)

  • Project typeTrack Upgrade
  • Project value$22,716
  • Project scheduleComplete
  • Completion Date30 October 2020
Lake Sambell boardwalk_web.jpg

About this project 

The Lake Sambell Walking Track is an important asset for the Beechworth Community. The recent prolonged wet weather has meant that some sections on the southern aspect of the track have deteriorated and were in need of upgrading. This work has dealt with some of the worst sections, however it is recognised that more work is required and the current boardwalks have been constructed with the ability to build additional boardwalks at a late date.

Why did we undertake the project?

The wet weather of the past nine months has meant a number of slippery, muddy areas have developed along the walking track which are a hazard for walkers. The construction of these four elevated boardwalks will keep walkers feet dry and will make for a safer, more pleasant stroll around Lake Sambell.

What has this project delivered for our community?

While there is still much to do to improve the drainage issues and surface on the Lake Sambell Walking Track this work has contributed to an overall improvement in the track surface and experience for locals and visitors alike.



Contact details

Jo Vincent
1300 365 003