Rutherglen Cricket Club Training Nets (completed 2022)

  • Project typeUpgrade
  • Project value$187,500
  • Project scheduleCompleted
  • Completion Date31 March 2022
Barkly Park Cricket nets.JPG

About this project

Barkly Park is a valuable community asset and this project will enhance the existing sporting infrastructure at this facility.

The project saw the demolition of the old cricket nets and construction of four new cricket practice pitches in the north east corner of Barkly Park. The facility was roofed to provide an all weather facility for cricket enthusiasts to provide cover in wet weather as well as the heat of summer.

Exterior fencing as well as soft net roof netting also means no more escapee balls when cricketers hit a “6” in the practice nets. The facility also has internal retractable nets to enable the area to be used as a multi purpose training facility.  

Why was this project being undertaken?

The master plan for Barkly Park identified the cricket net upgrade a key priority for the site. This project was being funded by $20,000 from Rutherglen United Cricket Club, $30,000 from Indigo Shire Council, $100,000 from a grant from Sport and Recreation Victoria, Cricket Victoria and Cricket Australia, and an additional grant of $30,000 from Cricket Victoria and $14,700 in kind contributions.

What happened and when?

February 2022 Update

The new cricket practice nets at Barkly Park are nearing completion.
The synthetic grass has been installed as has the soft netting which will allow the facility to be used as cricket practice pitches or retracted to enable use of the entire facility for other sport training purposes.

Over the next three weeks the exterior chainmesh fencing will be installed, water and stormwater connections completed and the area will be landscaped.

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December 2021 Update

More fantastic progress on this important new facility for Rutherglen. The roof is complete and lights have been fitted. Coming up next will be the electrical connection, fencing and synthetic grass. 

December Update - Rutherglen Cricket Nets 1.jpg December Update - Rutherglen Cricket Nets.jpg

November 2021 Update

Sunny days have allowed for the successful application of the concrete. The frame has been completed and if the wind abates and the rain holds off, then the roofing of the facility should be completed during the week of the 22 November. Plumbing, electrical and fencing works will commence shortly and the slab will be finished with synthetic grass.

Barkly Park Cricket Nets 2 - November Update.jpg Barkly Park Cricket Nets - November Update.jpg

October 2021 Update

The boxing for the cricket nets has now been completed. We are hoping that the weather will be kind and the concrete slab will be poured in the next few days. Once the concrete has cured, the surface will have synthetic grass applied to create the four new practice pitches for Rutherglen’s cricketers.

Rutherglen Cricket Nets - October Update 1.jpg   Rutherglen Cricket Nets - October Update 2.jpg

September 2021 Update

The Barkly Park cricket nets are progressing despite some ordinary weather in the last few weeks.

The foundations have been poured and the slab is being prepared to box and pour concrete, which is due to commence the week of Monday 20 September.

Barkly Park - Cricket Nets - September Update 1.jpg  Barkly Park - Cricket Nets - September Update 2.jpg


August 2021 Update

On-site works are due to commence the week of Monday 31 August 2021, weather and COVID restrictions permitting.
A building permit has been issued allowing for the construction of an all-weather facility which means the nets will now be roofed, providing cover for players in wet weather as well as the heat of summer.


April 2021 Update

The Contract for the design and construction of the Rutherglen Cricket Club Training Nets has been awarded.

The successful contractor, Focus Engineering and Construction from Corowa, will engage a range of local subcontractors.
In exciting news the project has been boosted by an additional grant of $30,000 obtained by Rutherglen United Cricket Club from Cricket Victoria. The additional funding means that, subject to building approval, the facility can be roofed which will provide an all weather facility for cricket enthusiasts by providing cover in wet weather as well as the heat of summer.

The design of the facility, with retractable internal nets also means that its use as a multi purpose training facility will also be enhanced.
The project is on schedule for completion in October 2021 with detailed design work to commence now that the contract has been awarded.


















47 Reid Street, Rutherglen 3685  View Map

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