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We've redeveloped the Rutherglen Skate Park in Murray Street. Our upgrades provide up to three times as many skate elements and create further opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to use wheeled recreational devices.
The skate and wheel park has been integrated into the landscape and includes a new shelter and communal seating area.
We recognise the important role sport, recreation and physical activity has in creating liveable communities and in contributing to the health and wellbeing of our community.
This project was partly funded by the Victorian Government's Community Facilities Program.
We're making the finishing touches to this project, with a fresh layer of mulch recently applied to the landscaped areas by our Parks and Gardens team. A table, chairs and bench will soon be installed in the shelter which will bring the project to completion.
Spectators and families can now check out the skating action from a new shipping container shelter. Installed last week, the shelter will soon be fitted with table and chairs. Landscaping works will then follow.
The final element to be added as part of this project is the shelter, and this will be installed next month.
In great news for Rutherglen skaters and scooterers, the skate park is back open for use. While construction of the extension is finished, further landscaping and path connectivity works are being finalised for construction in the coming month. Please take care, and avoid the flagged off areas until the landscaping can be established.
The extension continues to take shape with the ramps/half pipe sections poured this week. Preparations for the deck section also began this week and this has also now been poured.
Construction of the new skate elements kicked off last week and already things are really starting to take shape.
Earthworks are now complete and all of the upper deck slabs as well as a roll-over section have been poured.
The ramp sections will be poured in the next fortnight.
We've awarded the contract for this exciting project to Haley construction, with works scheduled to commence on-site around in mid-January. Works will involve the construction of a new concrete skate/wheel area which will then connect to the existing skating area and is expected to be completed in four to five weeks, weather permitting.
The project originated when the young people of Rutherglen petitioned Indigo Shire Council to expand the skate park. Consultation has followed with the development of a concept plan which was displayed for discussion at a recent North East Skate Park Series event held at the park.