Sarah Street Wahgunyah sealing (completed 2021)

  • Project typeUpgrade
  • Project value$85,000
  • Project scheduleComplete
  • Completion Date30 June 2021
Sarah Street looking to Barkly Street.png

About this project

We have sealed Sarah Street, Wahgunyah, north from the intersection of Barkly Street and limited vehicle access to the area near Wahgunyah Beach.

Previously, this section of Sarah Street was a gravel road, owned and maintained by Council.

North of the junction of Sarah Street and John Street, the road is surrounded by the Proposed Murray River Park and the Carlyle Bushland Reserve which is managed by Parks Victoria.

The park is set aside for day use only and Parks Victoria has signs in place. The area is characterised by Sedgy Riverine Forest which is considered vulnerable and is adjoined to the east by Riverine Grassy Woodlands or Forests which is endangered.

Sarah Street provides access to Wahgunyah Beach which is a popular spot for swimming and picnicking. The road is also a popular spot for cycling and walking, particularly with dogs and the beach is currently accessible to vehicles.

Sarah Street ends at the north with a gate which marks the start of the Council managed shared cycle/walking trail which extends to Federation Bridge.

The sealing and gate installation works were undertaken to assist with management of the following issues:

  • To improve the surface of the road for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians
  • Manage river bank erosion, river bank stability issues and safety concerns relating to the existing vehicle turnaround which is directly adjacent to the heavily eroded and undercut river bank.
  • Restrict vehicle access to the Reserve which is currently impacted by rubbish dumping, illegal firewood collection and vehicle access on the Reserve which is damaging trails, particularly in wet weather.
  • Wahgunyah Beach is a small, but popular area and restricting vehicles to the car parking area adjoining the beach as opposed to driving onto the beach will ensure equitable use of the beach area for all.
  • The area is an place of Aboriginal cultural sensitivity/ archaeological sites.
  • Wahgunyah Progress Association are keen to maintain the importance of the Wahgunyah Railway Master Plan as the hub for recreation and tourism activity in and wish to continue to implement this plan. The sealing of Sarah St as a shared trail through to Federation Bridge adds to the network of trails emanating from this hub and also links to trails and activities on the Murray River and across the border in Corowa. Facilities (ie toilets etc) will continue to be provided at the Wahgunyah Railway Land which includes car parking, toilets, picnic facilities etc.

Why was this project undertaken?

This project was developed jointly with Parks Victoria, Wahgunyah Progress Association and Indigo Shire Council in an effort to resolve a number of management issues and to create a space that is a link to the Wahgunyah railway land.

Council closed Sarah Street to public vehicles just prior to Wahgunyah Beach and a gate and bollards were installed to allow access for Shire/ Fire authorities and Parks Victoria.

The aim of this was to allow continued access for day use including picnicking, swimming, walking, cycling etc however limit access to the beach by vehicles to ensure equitable use of the site rather than exclusive use and protect the beach from erosion of the banks and damage to sensitive cultural sites.

Limiting access to the Reserve also assists in reducing undesirable activities such as rubbish dumping, vehicle use and reduces fire risk.