Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been detected in Northern Victoria. JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. Find further information and how you can take precautions by clicking the link below.
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This project was a result of a recommendation from a feasibility study that was undertaken as part of the Kiewa & Tangambalanga Placemaking Strategy. The study highlighted a gap in the provision of more diverse and inclusive active recreation across the growing Kiewa & Tangambalanga community. The consultation process on the Tangambalanga Active Park Masterplan resulted in the playground installation being the first project to be delivered.
In 2018, the developer of the Huon-Kiewa Road subdivision contributed $40,000 towards the creation of a local community park in the reserve between the primary school, on the corner of Jackman Drive & Watts Way. The 2019/20 Council budget allocated a further $20,000 to the project.
Concrete edging and gravel paths completed
Flying fox installed
The Kiewa and Tangambalanga community is growing rapidly. A functional and interesting play area for children and the projected further uses for this space will provide long term social and health benefits to the expanding community. We have applied the finishing touches and look forward to seeing plenty of fun happening at the park.
If you live near, or visit the Kiewa Views Estate, you will notice some fantastic improvements recently completed by Council staff. A number of new trees have been planted throughout the reserve that will mature and provide much needed shade, and off-road car-parking bays constructed for the safety of visitors. New seats and benches on new concrete bases will provide parents with the opportunity to sit and watch children play, or simply sit back and relax and take in the beautiful scenery. A new drinking fountain, and a concreted area for Waste and Recycling bins completes the upgrade in this rapidly growing area of our amazing Shire.